“Rosamynte Munch griber momenter af inspiration og omsætter fornemmelsen af stedets ånd, bevægelsen og figurernes indbyrdes forhold af former til et nyt rum. Lys og mørke undersøges og behandles med en intens opmærksomhed.”

Inge Schjødt, kulturjournalist og ejer af komkunst.dk, 2023

One Moment in Life


I am interested in daily life, and I observe behaviour of people. I paint different momentary settings and situations where something quite usual is happening. We pass lots of people and things that we don’t notice, many dots of moments that we don’t value much, because we do it every day all the time. When we stay longer in the moment, we start to notice little things and to really see the people around us. In a way, I prolong that instant moment from a photo, get to know it better and then I change it into many moments of strokes and create something different.


I have a Master (MSc) of Anthropology from Copenhagen University. My education has trained me in seeing other perspectives on things taken for granted, as well as wondering why people do what they do. I take this wondering about ordinary things into my artwork.


I am fascinated by light and shadow, and I try to describe my impression of it as closely as possible. I use my own photos as points of departure for my paintings because I like to have experienced the place, the people, the light and the energy at that very moment. The places can be everywhere, indoor, outdoor, under water, on the street, in a park or in a garden but all are places and situations we know quite well and not at all pretentious.

Rosamynte Munch, 2022.

“Her har vi at gøre med en virkelig dygtig maler. Værkerne udstråler overskud og træfsikkerhed. Ingen kan være i tvivl om, at det tekniske sidder lige i skabet! Motiverne står præcist, farverne er ikke blot sat på men giver fint liv til motiverne. Og så er det også værd at bemærke, hvor ensartet der males. Det enkelte penselstrøg virker måske umiddelbart lidt nonchalant sat, men det sidder med stor sikkerhed. Det myldrende, næsten kaotiske storbyliv er fanget og videregivet med præcision”

— Censurens udtalelse ved overrækkelsen af 4. Prisen til Roskilde Åben 2022.